Institut Dr. Rilling GmbH

Lilienthalweg 13, 72124 Pliezhausen
Telephone +49 7127 95031-0
Fax +49 7127 95031-99

Institute Dr. Rilling INC.

Product Categories

01 Electromedical equipment / Medical Technology
01.03 Therapie and physical medicine
01.03.11 Electromagnetic wave equipment / Biofeedback systems
Electromagnetic wave equipment / Biofeedback systems

1 Product

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Contact Us

Jochen Seipel
+49 (0)7127/95031-0


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Company details
The heritage left by S. Rilling (MD) is invaluable.

Experience medicine – individual treatment and measurable success were paths, which Mr. Rilling (MD) tread together with his patients.

He was a researcher, thinker and highly competent doctor who brought Biotonometrie into being. The establishment of the institute Dr. Rilling was his last will, which he wanted to come true.

Biotonometrie, bioengergetic measurement methods and radioprotection are on our agenda. With the development of high-tech products with a high standard of quality, we are able to offer products in alternative medicine and wellness high end.

Our entire company tries to find solutions for our customer requirements and our whole team tries to fulfil them. Our faithful clients are our best quality certificate.

Opening hours
Monday – Thursday: 8 am – 5 pm
Friday: 8 am – 1 pm

We are a certified company according to ISO 9001. Cooperation and communication are important for us and bring us forward for further innovations.

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