LEONI elocab GmbH

Obere Lerch 34, 91166 Georgensgmünd
Telephone +49 9172 6980-0
Fax +49 9172 2029

Product Categories

02 Electrical and electronic components
02.04 ECG electrodes, distributors, cable systems, plugs
ECG electrodes, distributors, cable systems, plugs

02 Electrical and electronic components
02.12 Cables (special cables, diagnosis cables
Cables (special cables, diagnosis cables

02 Electrical and electronic components
02.37 Sensor cables
Sensor cables

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Company details
Over 30 years of experience guarantee the best connections

LEONI’s Business Unit Healthcare offers its customers an integrated range of products and services, from engineering and the design and production of cables to cable assembly. As a system provider, we work to support development and accept the challenge of your specific requirements for both your own products and our contribution to them.

With over 30 years of experience in the development and production of special cables and worldwide production, we are your expert contact for the best connection for your products’ functions.

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Lemon Medical GmbH
Leisegang Feinmechanik-Optik GmbH
Leidel & Kracht Schaumstoff-Technik GmbH
Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.
Leibniz-Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie e.V. (INP Greifswald)

LGI Logistics Group International GmbH
Liebherr-Hausgeräte GmbH
Life Science Nord Management GmbH
LightGuideOptics Germany GmbH
Likamed GmbH