Kornkamp 16, 22926 Ahrensburg
Telephone +49 4102 4953-0
Fax +49 4102 4853-45


Company details
PLANET-AIR is your international partner for compressors and vacuum pumps.

The company „PLANET-AIR“ looks back on over 50 years of experience in the compressor business. During this period, the know-how has increased continuously and set the focus on the known specific needs in the market.

Service & Philosophy
Development, production and sales activities in one hand are the base of our flexibility. Through expert consulting and ongoing support, we work together with our customers to find the perfect compressed air and vacuum solution.

Product range
Our products range from single units as compressed air or vacuum sources, to complete compressor systems with tank and controlling. The extensive product portfolio enables seamless compressed air supply in the different fields of application. We are happy to realize individualized solutions for specific installation dimensions, requirements for compressed air quality or a complete system according to customer and application requirements.

Quality and environment
The quality of the entire product range has an especially high priority for PLANET-AIR. The modular design allows us to provide our customers with a proven and reliable solution. Of course, quality also includes our continuous customer support, before and after sales.

The easy handling and low maintenance also supports the compressor operators in terms of efficiency and economy.

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pn verlag Dr. Wolf Zimmermann KTM Krankenhaus Technik + Management
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