Memminger Str. 77-79, 88416 Ochsenhausen
Telephone +49 7352 928-0
Fax +49 7352 928-4080
Product Categories
02 Laboratory Equipment
02.08 Laboratory refrigerators and cooling systems
Laboratory refrigerators and cooling systems
02 Laboratory Equipment
02.08 Laboratory refrigerators and cooling systems
02.08.01 Upright laboratory freezers
Upright laboratory freezers
LGPv 8420 MediLine
LGUex 1500 MediLine
2 Products
02 Laboratory Equipment
02.08 Laboratory refrigerators and cooling systems
02.08.03 Laboratory refrigerators
Laboratory refrigerators
LKPv 6523 MediLine
MKv 3913
2 Products
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Company details
Family enterprise credo
Liebherr is and remains one hundred percent a family enterprise. This means that the Group is linked inseparably to the Liebherr family. The corporate structure is value-orientated and ensures strong co-operation and a faithful relationship to its partners and customers.
Family organization with tradition
Liebherr was founded in 1949 by Hans Liebherr. The company's successful growth and stable structure are thanks to his ideas and great personal commitment. With more than 60 years since the company was founded, Liebherr has demonstrated stability and reliability - thanks to the personal commitment of the company owners and the credo of the family enterprise.
As an independent family-run business, Liebherr enjoys strong discretionary powers in all of its activities. The shareholders of the Group are second and third generation descendants of the company founder and play an active role in the company themselves. They run the organization with the same tradition, and thereby ensure continuity and security.
Managing with responsibility
The family partners are conscious of their managerial responsibilities and specify a clear and structured path for healthy further development of the company. In doing so, safeguarding jobs and preserving the integrity as a business partner form important corporate directives.
Thanks to the high equity ratio and a broad product portfolio, Liebherr is able to compensate for fluctuations in the market economy. In terms of long-term, prospective-orientated success, any profit that is made is reinvested and remains within the company. Along with responsible management, this healthy financial basis secures the future of the company and provides workplace security.
Value-orientated corporate structure
Employees are involved in the family business. This fundamental approach affords the management the freedom to act self-dependently and is an expression of trust. Every individual feels accountable for the success of the company and benefits from it with a great deal of commitment and passion.
With customers and business partners, too, Liebherr nurtures long-term, close relations over many years or even decades. This is distinguished by respect, fairness and trust. Liebherr places great value on being able to react quickly and flexibly to customers' wishes and being able to realize these with the aid of innovative technologies. The highest demands in quality are applied here. A close working relationship with customers and the high significance placed on customer benefit form the basis of the company's success and belong to the tradition of the family-run business.
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